Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

How To Make a Sentence

how to make a sentence in English easily?
(bagaimana si buat kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan mudah?)

firstly, what we have to know is that whatever kind of sentences, whatever tenses, whatever we want to say is that sentences actually are just COMBINATION OF SUBJECT AND A PREDICATE. it means that if we have combined a subject and a predicate, we have made a sentence. it's simple... right?

then, the raising question maybe, what is subject and predicate?

subject is the doer of the activity we want to say, and the predicate is what the doer / subject do, it could be verb or to be. For example..... RIRI comes. "RIRI" here, is as the subject of the sentence and "comes" is as the predicate.

what can be subject of a verb?
subject of a sentence can be :
a. pronoun : she, he, it, we, you, i, they.
b. noun : abstract noun (what we couldn't touch, feeling, for example --> happiness) concrete noun (whatever we can touch / see), noun can be plural or singular.
c. gerund (verb+ing--> used as noun)
d. to V1

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