Senin, 26 September 2011


Language is the sounds or speech produced by human being, by meaning that human being in this case isn’t alone.
Human language is so different with other creature, animal for instance, because human deliver idea, thinking, and feeling.
Characteristic of language :
1.       It is systematic
Every language has its own system, the system of pronunciating a word, then the system of writing, and combining world that becomes a sentence is also different between a language and other.
2.       It is predictable
It means that every word that has been combined, of course has its mean. In this way, if there’s a word of a sentence deleted, we can still get the meaning by predicting the word and the meaning.

For example :
Father ......................... a house,
We can predict the blank is “has”, or “is” or “be”, or other else, but by predicting the meaning, we will get the best choice, it is “has”. So, language in this way is predictable.
3.       It is arbitrary
Language is used by people, not just by a human. So basically, language is decided by the community or in other word, it is based on social agreement. Arbitrariness is about :
a.       Form and meaning
b.      Grammar
c.       Suffix
4.       It is always spoken
Regarding to the definition of language, it is clearly that language essentially language is spoken.
5.       It is system of symbols
Language has its own symbol to write down to represent a character or a word.
6.       Language is social
7.       It is complete.
Every language can be used to tell everything, fact or abstract.

LINGUISTICS: is the study of human language.
                                                SCIENTIFIC à LINGUISTIC

Study of language        
                                                       UNSCIENTIFIC à Te solution is just an imagination by speculating. Onomatope = nature sounds.

Criteria of science :
1.      Subject matter is clearly defined.
2.      Observation and investigation has to be carried out objectively.
3.      Statement of results should be arranged systematically.

Second meeting
Animal’s language
1.      Only can be understood by the animal concerned.
2.      Limited to their biological needs.
3.      The sounds are always the same.

Ø  Study of language in the past,
1.      Bow wow theory
“language originate from the sounds in the surrounding / environment”
2.      Pooh pooh theory
“language originate from someone’s shock.
3.      Bekos theory
“language originate from the nature”
4.      Presciptive theory
“every language comes from Yunani”

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